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how much water to drink in summer?

How Much Water Should We Drink During Cold and Summer?

Benefits of Drinking Water:

Water is an essential component of our body to maintain a healthy life. 70% of our is composed of water.  It is very essential for the proper functioning of the body’s cells, tissue, and organs.

Also, it helps in the regulation of normal hydration. Lots of water loses through urination, sweating, and digestion. It is necessary to consume an adequate amount of water in order to keep the fluid balance in the body.

Myths about water consumption:

There are several myths about water consumption like eight glasses of water is a necessary drink for everyone.

But according to the latest medicine recommendation women should drink eight glasses and men should drink twelve glasses of water a day.

The new recommendation is to consume the required amount of beverages not just water.

Bottled water and Tooth Decay:

Bottled water is thought to cause tooth decay but this is not true.

Actually, a lack of fluoride in bottled water can cause tooth decay or dental cavities because fluoride is very essential for the mineralization of teeth.

Water effect on our Looks:

We often listen that drinking a lot of water will keep your skin fresh and moist.

In reality, water consumption has very little effect on looks, and dryness of skin cannot be prevented by drinking plenty of water.

Water consumed internally doesn’t reach the epidermis.

Our skin appearance depends on external factors like environment, skin cleansing, oil glands, etc. But In case of dehydration drinking, a large amount of water is necessary.


The yellow color of urine and dehydration:

The yellow color of urine is thought to be a sign of dehydration. But it is not always alarming.

Dark yellow urine may be the cause of dehydration.

Kidneys regulate urine concentration output during filtration of waste products.

So the increased concentration of urine causes the urine color to be dark.  Some medicines can also cause changes in urine color.

Thirst and Dehydration:

It is considered that if you feel thirsty that means you are dehydrated.

Dehydration begins when the concentration of a substance in the blood rises to 5% while thirst starts feeling even when the concentration of a substance in the blood rises less than 2%.

So whenever you feel thirsty you should drink plenty of water but there is no need to think that it must be dehydration.

Role of Water in our Life:

  • Water Removes toxins from our body. It helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Rather than neutralizing the toxin, kidneys need a sufficient amount to remove waste from the body.

If we do not drink enough of it, then kidneys cannot do their job properly and toxins will remain in the body. For good health toxin removal is necessary.

  • Effect on weight loss

Drinking water helps in weight loss. It means water itself does not cause it but helps in the process of weight loss. Water takes the place of other calorie-full beverages in your diet and hence your overall number of calories decreases. when you drink water before a meal it fills up most of the space so you eat less.

  • Impact on metabolism

Water helps in increasing your metabolism even if it is cold.

According to a study in New York, drinking water accelerates weight loss.

According to another research in Germany drinking only 17 ounces of water, increases the metabolic rate by 30% in subjects.


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When to avoid drinking Excessive Fluid?

There are some conditions in which you should not drink too much water because it can put you at risk.

Some heart conditions, Edema, swelling in lower limbs and high blood pressure are some problems in which you should avoid excess fluid intake.

If you have a kidney issue like a kidney transplant then you should ask your doctor before increasing your fluid intake.

You should not drink too much water during eating because it can cause digestion issues due to the dilution of stomach acid.


Also, Read:

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How to drink the required amount of water during winter?

During summer due to the hot environment and increased thirst, it is easy to drink the required amount of water but during winter generally, people decrease their water intake.


one should drink 6-8 glasses of water daily but it is not necessary to drink only water or to drink the required amount of water at once.

The main purpose is to stay hydrated so you can take it in sips throughout the day.

You can add other fluids or water-rich foods to your diet to stay hydrated. Many vegetables, Salad, tea, soups, and fruits i.e. oranges, watermelons, and cucumbers can be used to full fill the required amount of water.

The material is for information purposes only.

Thanks for Reading.

By Dr. Ayesha, PT

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