About Us
REHABCURE was established in 2014 for providing physiotherapy services only. Now we are a multispecialty rehabilitation center including PHYSIOTHERAPY, NUTRITION, SPEECH THERAPY and PSYCHOTHERAPY. The team included 10 Physiotherapists, Nutritionist, Speech Therapist, Clinical Psychologist and an Orthopedic surgeon.
Our purpose is to provide early recovery to the patients with less charges and best services. Also, to save
people from disabilities, surgeries, medicines; making them pain free and functional to the maximum
Experts in REHABCURE
Experts attached with us are high profiled and experienced who think for you differently for your extra-
care. Holistic approach at REHABCURE is disrupting traditional health delivery services where patients are true partners of their own treatment and health according to 21 st century. (For Doctors Details Click here)

Internationally Qualified Faculty
Therapists from REHABCURE have studied from world renowned Physiotherapists i.e. Brian Mulligan,
Antonio Stecco, Steven De Coninck, Joane De Enslin and NG Chong Ching۔
State-of-the-Art clinic
Rehabcure has state-of-the-art assessment and treatment rooms for patients of all ages. There are
triage room, fitness training area, gait training area, occupational therapy room, paeds room, cross
training area and long waiting area.
Early Recovery
Patients who get treatment from REHABCURE experts have the benefit of early recovery and cost
effective solution. Usually, it takes a day or two to get maximum recovery.
Patient Discussion Sessions
Team of REHABCURE discuss the patient problems, treatment solutions, short and long term goals and
follow up discussions with patient/attendents. This catalyzes the patient’s recovery for early outcomes.
We believe on some slogans
painfreelife; movementforeveryone; nomedicine; nosurgery; joinrehabcure
Appointment System at REHABCURE:
Our appointment service is open 24/7. You can call or text 0336-2003567 or book an appointment
through our website www.rehabcure.org
Join REAHBCURE for the cause and help your loved ones from disabilities, pain and surgeries.