Cerebral palsy Treatment in Lahore
Cerebral Palsy is a problem with muscle function. It is caused by brain injury or abnormal development of the brain that occurs while a child’s brain is still developing. This may be before the baby is born, during the birth or soon after birth.
Some children with cerebral palsy have difficulty controlling the muscles in their face, throat, neck, and head. This can lead to trouble with speech, chewing, and swallowing. It can also cause drooling and affect the overall ability to interact and learn. Those who also have difficulty hearing may have a hard time understanding spoken language. Speech and language therapy seeks to improve a child’s speech and communication by strengthening the muscles used for speech, increasing oral motor skills, and by improving their understanding of speech and language. It also can help with swallowing disorders, like dysphagia
Tools used by Speech Therapist / Speech Language Pathologists:
Tools commonly used in speech therapy include:
Placement tools (correct tongue positioning for certain sounds)
Oral sensory chews
Tongue depressors
Picture boards
Dry erase boards
Flip charts
Sensory toys
Formal tools & assessments
Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Lahore, Psychology and Rehabilitation outpatient setting to provide Comfortable and Quality services to Patients, Clients, and Organizations.
Best Cerebral palsy Treatment in Lahore:
If you need Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Lahore, our experienced and skilled Speech therapist will ensure you get back to the activities you enjoy. Call us at +92 336 2003567 for an appointment today or book a consultation.