Cochlear Implant Treatment in Lahore
The aim of intervention is to assess, diagnose and develop a programme of intervention to target areas of Speech and Language need for cochlear implant and hearing aid users including;
- auditory training and listening skills
- speech intelligibility and voice work
- vocabulary building
- following speech without sign
- understanding and use of grammar
- Semantics
- Parent-child interaction therapy and social skills work.
Tools used by Speech Language Pathologists:
Tools commonly used in speech therapy include:
- Placement tools (correct tongue positioning for certain sounds)
- Oral sensory chews
- Straws
- Tongue depressors
- Picture boards
- Books
- Flashcards
- Dry erase boards
- Flip charts
- Sensory toys
- Formal tools & assessments
RehabCure is a Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Speech therapy, Psychology, and Rehabilitation outpatient setting to provide Comfortable and Quality services to Patients, Clients, and Organizations.