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low back pain

Lower Back Pain: Causes | Treatment | Exercises


A herniated disc is a condition of the spine in which there is a displacement of the nucleus pulposus and commonly causes lower back pain. The pain is a burning sensation that may radiate in the lower limb. It is normally in the lumbar region.

WHEREAS, lower back pain is the pain, tension in muscles, stiffness, and spasm. It can localize inferior to the costal margin and superior to the inferior gluteal folds.

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In disc herniation

  • Penetrating and radiating pain
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Spasm of paraspinal muscles
  • Trendelenburg gait
  • Antalgic gait
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Muscle spasm
  • Tingling sensation
  • Atrophy
  • Valsalva maneuver
  • The patient may feel difficulty walking.

In low back pain,

  • In the low back, the pain which is felt can be dull or achy.
  • The burning pain moves toward the thighs from the low back. It could also be in the legs and feet.
  • It can give you the sensation of numbness or tingling effects.
  • Muscle spasm
  • Muscle tightness
  • The pain is increased if you are sitting for a long period of time.
  • Difficult to stand erectile.
  • The patient may feel a lot of difficulty in standing to sit.


The causes of disc herniation are enlisted below,

  • It can be a consequence of degeneration of the disc.
  • As you get older the flexibility of your disc decreases.
  • The disc is more prone to rupture.
  • A minor strain can also be a cause of disc herniation.
  • By lifting heavy objects.
  • Connective tissue disorder
  • Congenital disorders
  • At times a traumatic effect that can be a fall leads to a herniated disc.

Low back pain can be caused because of,

  • Lifting objects
  • Strain in muscle or tendon.
  • Bulging of disc
  • Rupture of the disc.
  • It could be because of diseases like arthritis or osteoporosis etc.


The risk factors of a herniated disc are,

  • Weight it creates excessive stress on the disc.
  • The occupation which includes lifting up, twisting the back, going sideways is more prone to disc herniation.
  • Genetics
  • Prevent smoking as it breaks more quickly.

WHEREAS, the risk factors of low back pain include,

  • Aging
  • Least exercise
  • Increased weight
  • Wrong lifting
  • Smoking
  • Different diseases
  • Inactive persons.


The complications you can face in herniated disc include,

  • Chronic pains
  • Paralysis
  • Nerve injury (permanent)
  • Cauda equina syndrome.

The low back pain could have the following complications,

  • Damage of nerves
  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia is a lack of sleep


The medical treatment of herniated disc includes,

  • Oral steroids
  • Translaminar epidural injection
  • Neurological deficits.

The surgical treatment includes,

  • Laminectomies
  • Discectomies
  • Microdiscectomies
  • Anterior cervical decompression and fusion
  • Artificial disc replacement
  • Chemonucleolysis
  • Disc arthroplasty
  • Intradiscal electrothermic therapy
  • Nucleoplasty

We provide the best physical therapy treatment is described as,

  • It plays a vast role in disc herniation.
  • Controls pain
  • Exercises are resumption
  • Re-educate them
  • Active exercise therapy includes strengthening exercises, aerobic exercises, motor control exercises, and flexibility exercises.
  • The stability of core exercises plays role in lessening the pain, improvement of function status, static endurance of muscles of the trunk.
  • Stabilization exercises are more common than that having no treatment.

The treatment of low back pain can include,

  • Heat or cold therapy can be applied to your injury for a speedy recovery and exclude the factor of pain.
  • You can also use a low back muscular pain wrap to avoid pain.
  • Resting is one of the important factors by which you can reduce pain. It will also help to relax your structures.
  • You can give the anti-inflammatory medication to the patient.
  • You can perform several low back pain exercises for the core and stomach to the stress certain region.
  • These may include wall sits, bridging, press up or planks, etc.
  • The stress may include, Knee to chest stretch, double knee to chin stretch, hip stretches, and cat stretch, etc.
  • Make sure to correct your posture.
  • In physical therapy, you can apply specific treatment for specific stretches, etc.


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