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Stress management plan

Stress Management Plan for Healthy Living

Stress Management Plan:

Mental stress is a condition in which person experience mood changes and feel confused, overwhelmed, unable to make decisions or out of control. Stress management plan definitely shows some physical signs and cause body pain. Physical symptoms of stress include feeling low or having low energy, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, headache, general body pain, tightness in muscles and Stomach issues like constipation, diarrhea or nausea, etc.

Management of Stress:

Stress can be best managed by following these steps.

Take Good Sleep:

Take good sleep and set timetable for sleep pattern. Because Insufficient sleep causes tiredness and person cannot do his work properly. Continuous tiredness and unable to do work properly led to stress. That’s why to feel fresh and energetic good sleep is necessary.

Eat Healthy Diet:

Eat healthy diet and take meals on proper time. Sometime deficiency of important nutrients in diet leads to changes in brain chemical activity. This causes mood problems and stress. One of its examples is vitamin B12 deficiency and depression. Therefore, eating proper healthy diet is necessary to reduce stress.

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Be optimistic:

Our thoughts have great impact on our body and attitude. Negative thinking causes hormonal imbalance, problems in immune system and reduction in brain chemicals that required for happiness. While on the other hand positive thinking causes the release of those chemicals that make us feel happy and stay calm.

Exercise regularly:

Exercise has great effects on mood and decrease stress. It causes the release of those chemicals that act as pain killers. Exercise makes us less anxious and help us to stay focused. It makes us happy and more energized. Exercise help person to sleep comfortably and it also improves person’s self-esteem.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction Techniques:

Yoga and meditation can also make person relax and help to stay calm. Controlled breathing, specific poses, imagery, stretching and physical movements help in reducing stress.

Set priorities and Make timetable:

Making timetable for your daily activities keeps you motivated and gives you proper direction. It eases your anxiousness and makes you an organized person. Accomplishment of set targets gives you happiness and reduce stress. There for set daily short targets that can be easily achieved without stress. Make timetable that looks realistic not idealistic.

Learn to say No:

Those requests that can cause unnecessary burden and make you stressful must be refused without feeling any guilt. If you take extra responsibility, it will only increase your stress. You are not obliged to please everyone. Pleasing everyone is not a healthy attitude. So be confident and don’t feel ashamed to say no.

Rest properly:

Daily wear and tear during activities makes you stressful. So proper rest is necessary to recover the body from stress because of busy hectic lifestyle.

Spend time with your Loved ones:

Spending time with your family, friends or people you are comfortable with really helps to decrease stress. It gives you happiness and positive vibes.

Plan for Outings and trips:

Taking breaks from your busy lifestyle and change in your routine is very helpful in reducing stress. It refreshes you and makes you energetic to do your work again with enthusiasm.

Share your problem with someone treatable:

Talking and sharing about your problems also helps in decreasing stress. But you must be careful about sharing. The person to whom you want to share with must be your well-wisher and treatable. Otherwise sharing problem can cause further problem and stress.

Avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol etc.

In stressful condition if you start smoking, drinking or using other substances, it will cause more damage to your mind and body. Temporarily you may feel good but eventually it will damage your health.

Seek Professional Help:

If you fail to manage stress by yourself, then taking professional help from psychologist is the best option.

Note: This article is for information purpose only. If you want any help regarding your mental health than feel free to ask our professionals.

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