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What Health Tips are Important for You?

Health Tips:

“HEALTH IS WEALTH” is a common phrase we have been through many times.

Let’s discuss what health is and what are the components that it is composed of?

What makes it good and what affects it?

What lifestyle we need to follow to make our health good?

Health is a combination of mind, body and soul. Compromise of one component will affect the other.

So, for a good health all three must need to be in a balance state. A healthy mind leads to healthy body.

Here are certain health tips for a balance life.

  • Sound sleep
  • Waking early in the morning
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat healthy
  • Avoid carbonated drinks
  • Reduce weight
  • Avoid smoking/alcohol
  • Do exercises

Sound Sleep:

As Early to bed and early to rise is an old saying which signifies both the importance of sound sleep as well sleeping early at night to wake up in early hours in the morning.

Research prove that helps to control negativity, make person more productive, fresh and an active in his routine life. Total number of hours of sleeping varies slightly from person to person.

On average an 8-hour sleep is considered good for health. Kids and teens need even more hours. Sleep time decreases in older age.

Stay Hydrated:

Water is of the essential component for a good health. On average, one should drink 8 liters of water on daily basis to meet the body needs.

For a dry weather condition, the requirement of water even increase. Water is required for a good health, active lifestyle, glowing skin and good metabolism. It helps to remove toxins from body.

Quantity and quality of water matters along with the timing at which we drink.

Drinking more water early in the morning is good. Drinking water before meal helps in digestion of food. Not drinking lots of water immediately after workout but 2-3 sips are good.

A normal temperature is more proffered as compared to cold water.

Waking Early in the Morning:

A morning person tends to be happier and have a more active lifestyle as compared to a night owl. He has time for morning workout and breakfast. He won’t skip his meals.

Research also prove that they have more chances of success, and they can hustle even more. They are more persistent, acceptable and tend to have more good behavior.

Night owl’s children have poor behavior and are not active.

Balanced Diet:

A healthy diet plan helps to maintain weight and BMI.

Eating healthy also helps reduce chances of disease like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, stroke, obesity, high cholesterol level, certain cancers.

It also keeps brain and organs in good working conditions. A balanced diet helps in maintaining with providing all essential vitamins to the body.

Avoid junk food. Count your calories. Avoid over-eating. Go for beans, green vegetables, fish, nuts, milk, eggs and fresh seasonal fruits rather canned products.

Avoid Carbonated drinks:

Carbonated drinks tend to cause many health diseases heart disease, type 2 diabetes, liver diseases and certain cancers.

Carbonated drinks and other energy drinks having high amount of caffeine in adults also paved way towards smoking and drinking. They cause teeth and bone diseases.

They change the protein level in brain which lead to hyperactivity and more aggressive behaviors.

Reduce Weight:

Overweight is more prone to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, cancer and early bone related problems like OA.

Obesity is more like a syndrome that led to other diseases. Maintain your BMI. Cut on extra sugars and starches. Take healthy fats and green vegetables. Do some physical work-out to burn excessive fats.

Do Exercise:

One of the chief things that even controls the genetic diseases like obesity.

Exercise is if the best habit to stay healthy, happy and active. It controls certain disease along maintaining and decreasing the risk of others.

It’s necessary for all the age groups either young or old. It controls weight, deadly cardiovascular diseases, improves mood and combat stress, promotes sleep and boost up your energy levels.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week for a healthy adult.

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